7 Ways to Heal Cracked Heels Fast


You may not pay much attention to your feet, but they’re an important part of your body and deserve to be taken care of properly. One area that often gets neglected, though, is the heel. This can lead to cracked heels, an unsightly condition that can also be quite painful when you walk on it. To prevent this uncomfortable condition and help heal your cracked heels, check out these seven ways to heal cracked heels fast!

What are cracked heels?
Cracked heels are a common foot problem that can be painful and unsightly. They’re caused by dry skin, improper footwear, and lack of moisture. But don’t worry, there are plenty of remedies out there that can help heal your cracked heels fast.

Causes of Cracked heels
Cracked heels can be caused by a number of things, such as dry skin, ill-fitting shoes, or standing for long periods of time. When the feet rub against socks and shoes that are too tight, they create pressure points that damage the layers of skin. Another possible cause is poor blood circulation which may cause veins in the feet to become blocked. There are a number of remedies you can try on your own like putting petroleum jelly on your feet at night before bed and wearing loose fitting cotton socks with absorbent material so moisture doesn’t accumulate around your heel area. If you have sensitive skin and these remedies don’t work, consult your doctor about using an over-the-counter product containing urea cream that will moisturize dry skin while reducing swelling and itchiness.

1) Avoid wearing shoes with no socks
Wearing shoes without socks can cause your feet to sweat, which can lead to cracked heels. Plus, the friction from your shoes can irritate the skin on your feet and make them more susceptible to cracking. If you must wear shoes without socks, try to find ones that are made of breathable materials like canvas or leather.

And be sure to moisturize your feet regularly. Apply petroleum jelly to your feet before bedtime, put on some thick cotton socks, and let it sit overnight. The next morning use a pumice stone or an electric foot file to gently rub away any dead skin before putting on a new pair of cotton socks and walking around for 15 minutes. Then pat dry with a towel before applying a fresh coat of petroleum jelly as protection against bacteria causing further irritation. Finally apply Vaseline all over the affected area twice daily for at least two weeks; this will heal the cracks by nourishing the outer layer of skin with moisture.

2) Keep your feet clean
The first step in healing cracked heels is to keep your feet clean. This means washing them every day with soap and water, and drying them completely afterwards. You should also exfoliate your feet regularly to remove dead skin cells. Try using a pumice stone on the calloused areas of your feet.
When you go out for a long walk or workout, wear protective pads or shoes that shield the back of your heel from rubbing against surfaces like pavement.
Your dry skin can easily become irritated when it comes into contact with something like sandpaper-like fibers on socks or the rough surface of an exercise mat at the gym. If you can’t reach your feet because they’re too far away, put moisturizer all over them before covering up with socks and shoes again so they don’t get dried out while they’re hidden away.

3) Use Coconut Oil After Showering
One of the best ways to heal cracked heels is by using coconut oil after showering. The coconut oil will help to moisturize your skin and prevent further cracking. Plus, it has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce pain and swelling.

Here’s how to do it After you have taken a shower or bath, put some extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil on the bottom of your feet for about 10 minutes. Then dry off with a towel and put on clean socks or shoes. Repeat this process every day until you see an improvement in your heels.

4) Wash and scrub feet regularly
One of the best ways to heal cracked heels is to keep your feet clean. That means washing them every day and scrubbing them with a pumice stone or other exfoliating tool. Doing this will help remove dead skin cells that can build up and make cracks worse.

You should also wear cotton socks instead of tight socks that are made from synthetic materials like nylon, which may irritate your skin even more. Be sure to moisturize your feet daily with a cream or lotion containing urea (a chemical found in urine) because it helps soften dry, rough patches of skin and boosts circulation for healing.

5) Wear appropriate footwear when going out
It’s important to protect your feet from further injury by wearing the right shoes. Look for shoes with a low heel and a wide toe box.

Avoid high heels, flip-flops, and other shoes that don’t support your feet. Consider orthopedic shoes if you have diabetes or another condition that causes poor blood flow to your feet. Also, make sure your shoes are well ventilated and not too tight. Change out of wet socks as soon as possible after exercising: Wet socks can cause blisters on top of cracked heels.

6) Cut your nails short
Long nails can make cracked heels worse. They can catch on things and tear the skin, which can lead to infection. Keep your nails short and smooth to help prevent cracked heels.

Put moisturizer or petroleum jelly on your feet before bed: Putting moisturizer or petroleum jelly on cracked heels before bed will provide a protective layer that soothes dryness and pain. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps keep skin healthy and moist.

7) Don’t pick or pop at the cracks
Picking at the cracks can make them worse and lead to infection. Instead, focus on healing the cracks so they disappear. These seven methods will help you get rid of cracked heels fast.
1. Soak your feet in warm water for 20 minutes every day.
2. Apply a heel balm or cream daily.
3. Exfoliate your feet once a week with a pumice stone or foot scrubber.
4. Wear comfortable shoes that fit well and provide support.
5. Stretch your feet every day with simple exercises like pointing and flexing your toes.
6. Invest in a pair of custom orthotics if you have underlying conditions like flat feet or high arches.

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