Effective Ways to cope with Sweaty Hands and Feet


The best way to deal with sweaty hands and feet is to prevent sweating in the first place, but when your body overproduces sweat, it’s difficult to keep it under control. Sweaty hands are often caused by an underlying medical condition, such as thyroid disease or hyperhidrosis, but they can also be caused by stress or even poor circulation. This means that you shouldn’t take the problem lightly, as you may need to see a doctor if it doesn’t go away on its own.

What causes sweaty hands and feet
Sweaty hands and feet are caused by the overactivity of the eccrine sweat glands. These glands are found in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. When they become overactive, they produce more sweat than the body needs to regulate its temperature. This can be a problem for people who suffer from hyperhidrosis, a condition that causes excessive sweating. There are many effective ways to cope with sweaty hands and feet, including taking certain medications or wearing certain types of footwear. To reduce sweating in your hands, you could wear cotton gloves during the day or apply aluminum chloride lotion at night.

How to treat sweaty hands and feet
There are a few things you can do to treat sweaty hands and feet. Below are some tips:
-Wash your hands and feet regularly with soap and water. This will help remove any sweat or bacteria that may be on your skin.
-Apply an antiperspirant or deodorant to your hands and feet. This will help reduce the amount of sweat that is produced.
-Wear socks that are made of breathable material, such as cotton. This will help absorb any sweat that is produced.
-Wear shoes that are made of breathable material, such as leather. This will help to ventilate your feet and prevent sweat from building up.
-Avoid tight clothing. Tight clothes restrict airflow which can make you sweat more.
-Avoid wearing thick socks. Thick socks create moisture buildup between your foot and sock which will lead to more sweating. Thin, low-cut cotton socks work best for people who have sweaty feet or live in warm climates. For those who suffer from sweaty feet during cold weather, wool socks provide warmth without trapping heat and moisture like other materials.

Home remedies for sweaty hands and feet
There are many effective ways to cope with sweaty hands and feet. Some people recommend using antiperspirants, while others find home remedies more effective. Here are some tips:
Lemon: Squeeze the juice of a lemon into a bowl of water and soak your hands in it for five minutes. Then rinse off the lemon juice and pat dry your hands. You can also rub the lemon juice on your feet before you go to bed at night or as soon as you wake up in the morning, as long as you’re not allergic to citrus. When done every day for one week, this is usually enough time for benefits to show up. You may need longer if you have been suffering from excessive sweating for an extended period of time. Repeat this process three times per week after that until you see desired results.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Another popular remedy is apple cider vinegar (ACV). Mix one part Apple Cider Vinegar with two parts water in a bowl. Soak your hands for about ten minutes and then rinse them off. Follow this by rubbing Apple Cider Vinegar over both feet and wrapping them in cotton socks for about fifteen minutes. Do this nightly for about two weeks and then once a week afterwards until the problem subsides. Some individuals have found relief when they drink Apple Cider Vinegar diluted in water first thing in the morning and last thing at night. However, there are side effects such as stomach upset, so be sure to consult your doctor before trying this remedy. In addition, always dilute Apple Cider Vinegar with a large amount of water because undiluted Apple Cider Vinegar can be harmful!

Potatoes: Cut potatoes into thin slices and add them to a pot of boiling water. Cook the potatoes for 15-20 minutes or until soft. After draining the potatoes, cut them into small pieces and mash them up with milk or butter. Apply these mashed potatoes onto your hands as gloves and leave on for 20-30 minutes. Rinse well under cool running water before drying thoroughly. Continue doing this nightly until sweat is gone.

Baking soda: The simplest way to make a homemade antiperspirant is to mix baking soda with cornstarch. Add one teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon of cornstarch for each tablespoon of arrowroot powder. Stir together until well mixed, and apply as normal using your fingers or an old toothbrush. If you don’t want the smell of baking soda, mix the ingredients with vanilla extract instead. Alternatively, if you want to use honey instead of cornstarch, just substitute honey for the cornstarch and pour a little bit at a time into your hand. Honey will run out more slowly than corn starch but still has similar properties that will help reduce sweating. Other alternatives include powdered milk, saltpeter (potassium nitrate), potassium chloride, and glycerin.

Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is a natural product that has proven to be very successful in treating excessive sweating. Simply put 2-3 drops of tea tree oil on your palms and rub them together. Massage the hands, wrists, and any other areas where you experience excess perspiration until the lotion dries. This should only take a few minutes to work its magic. Once the lotion dries, you should notice a dramatic decrease in perspiration throughout your body.

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