Summertime Hair Woes: How to Fix an Oily Scalp and Dry Hair


What’s the best way to keep your hair looking good in the summer? It can be tricky, since there are plenty of options out there claiming to solve the problem of an oily scalp and dry hair. While many can work well in some cases, others leave your hair looking more damaged than it was before you started using them. To prevent yourself from going through these kinds of problems this summer, try these top remedies to solve dry hair and oily scalp problems in no time at all!

1) Moisturize regularly
One of the best remedies for dry hair is to moisturize regularly. This means using a conditioner every time you shampoo, deep conditioning once a week, and using a leave-in conditioner or oil on your ends daily. For an oily scalp, try using a dry shampoo in between washes to absorb excess oil. You can also try washing your hair with diluted lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to help balance pH levels.

2) Avoid hot tools
Summertime is the perfect opportunity to give your hair a break from hot tools. If you can’t bear to part with your straightener or curling iron, try using them on a lower heat setting. And be sure to use a heat-protectant spray! Another way to keep your scalp healthy is by avoiding tight hairstyles that pull on the hair follicles. This can lead to inflammation and even hair loss. Instead, opt for loose styles or updos that won’t put unnecessary stress on your strands. But don’t worry – if your hair gets oily in spite of these precautions, we’ve got you covered.

To help manage excess oil production in the scalp and make dry ends look less dull, mix one tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of olive oil and apply it to your hair after shampooing. Let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing out the mixture thoroughly. A deep conditioner will work wonders as well; simply massage it into damp hair and let it sit for at least 10 minutes before washing. When blow drying, turn your head upside down while running the blow dryer over wet hair to prevent excessive tugging.

Always pat your hair dry instead of rubbing – this helps to avoid tangles too! For those days when you just can’t avoid drying your locks, invest in a round brush (they reduce frizz!). Avoid brushing hair when wet; doing so only furthers tangles and breaks strands. Finally, add some oils such as coconut or argan oil to daily moisturizing products like lotion or body butter; they’ll leave your skin feeling supple and hydrated all day long.

3) Shampoo less
It may sound counterintuitive, but shampooing less can actually help solve both an oily scalp and dry hair problem. That’s because over-shampooing can strip away natural oils, leading to a dry scalp. And when your scalp is dry, it produces even more oil to compensate. So cut back on shampooing to every other day or every three days, and use a gentle, sulfate-free formula when you do.

Conditioner makes a big difference as well. After rinsing out the shampoo, don’t just comb through conditioner — try massaging it into your roots for about two minutes. And for optimal results, do this twice a week instead of every time you wash your hair. Finally, pick up some dry shampoo! Not only does this product soak up excess oil in between washes (no greasy roots!), but using it also minimizes the need for frequent washing and leaves behind voluminous locks that are soft to the touch.

4) Opt for product with hydrating ingredients
When it comes to shampoo, look for a product that has hydrating ingredients like aloe vera, glycerin, and honey. These ingredients will help add moisture to your scalp and hair without making your scalp too oily. Avoid products with sulfates as they can strip away natural oils from your hair. For conditioner, choose a light-weight formula that won’t weigh down your hair.

Condition only your ends and avoid the root area so you don’t make your scalp oily. If you have fine or thinning hair, use leave-in conditioners or sprays to get some extra hydration at the end of your shower. Finish off by applying styling products that are lightweight and not heavy on oil such as hairspray or gel. You can also try using dry shampoo in between washes if you’re in need of a quick fix!

5) Use hair Pack
A great way to get rid of oily scalp is by using a hair pack. There are a few different ways you can make a hair pack, but one of the simplest is to mix two tablespoons of yogurt with one tablespoon of honey. Apply this mixture to your scalp and let it sit for about 20 minutes before rinsing it out. Doing this once a week will help absorb excess oil and keep your scalp healthy.

As for dry hair, there are a few things you can do to prevent it from happening in the first place. One is to avoid washing your hair too often. If you can, try only washing it every other day or every three days. When you do wash it, use a gentle shampoo and conditioner and be sure to rinse thoroughly.

6) Consider visiting your hair stylist.
It’s easy to let your hair suffer during the summer months. Between the heat and humidity, your locks can go from fab to drab in no time. If you’re struggling with an oily scalp and dry hair, consider visiting your hair stylist. They can help you determine the best course of action for your individualized needs. In the meantime, here are a few tips to help you get by.
1) Rinse your hair with cold water at least once a day to cool down any excess oil.
2) Try a clarifying shampoo weekly to remove any buildup on your scalp and locks that might be making things worse.
3) Use anti-frizz products sparingly so they don’t weigh down your roots or leave behind unwanted residue.
4) You may want to invest in a silk pillowcase if you spend lots of time at home – synthetic materials are notorious for causing static electricity which can lead to more flyaways than usual!
5) Get out of the sun whenever possible so as not to risk damaging your strands even more.

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