The Amazing Ability of Skin Cells to Repair Themselves


Skin cells are the body’s primary physical defense, and keeping them in good repair goes a long way towards protecting your health. Skin has two main types of cells: epidermal cells, which form the top layer of skin, and dermal cells, which make up the bulk of skin beneath the surface of your epidermis. You’re likely already familiar with epidermal cells; these are the thin, flat cells that come into contact with the outside world and give your skin its unique color and texture. But you may not know as much about dermal cells and how they contribute to skin health.

How Often Should I Do This Procedure?
Cellular repair is an important process that our bodies use to heal wounds and fight inflammation. While our skin cells are constantly repairing themselves, sometimes we need a little help. That’s where this procedure comes in. It helps to reduce inflammation, boosts cellular repair and speeds up the healing process. You can do it one time or every day depending on your needs. With just a few minutes per session, you’ll be feeling better in no time!
An average session takes about five minutes.
It’s best to do it at night before bed so you don’t have any sun exposure during the day.
Skin looks brighter after each treatment. Skin has reduced redness and irritation. Skin has less oil production, which reduces breakouts. Eyes look more awake. Glowing complexion with increased elasticity in skin. Anti-aging benefits due to increase collagen production and decreased wrinkles. Reduction in the appearance of cellulite due to reduction in water retention and inflammation. The benefits go on and on!

How Long Will It Take?
It can take weeks or even months for skin cells to repair themselves, depending on the severity of the damage. The most important thing is to be patient and give your skin the time it needs to heal. In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to help speed up the process. Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. By sleeping more than 8 hours per night, your body will be able to repair itself faster because sleep gives it the chance to rejuvenate its cells with good nutrition. Drinking water helps flush out toxins from the body which could slow down healing as well as helping keep skin hydrated so that it doesn’t crack or peel off.

Keep in mind that while they may seem like they’re not doing anything, giving yourself gentle face massages every day also helps stimulate cell growth! If you want to see visible results sooner, you can also use products containing collagen to help regenerate skin tissue and vitamin E which promotes healthy healing by stimulating blood flow.

Repair Versus Regeneration
The ability of skin cells to repair themselves is nothing short of amazing. However, it’s important to understand the difference between repair and regeneration. When skin cells are damaged, they can either repair the damage or regenerate new cells. Repair involves fixing the damage that has been done. Regeneration, on the other hand, involves creating new cells to replace the damaged ones.

Think about a time when you got a cut or scratch on your arm and put some Neosporin on it. What happened? Most likely your body healed the wound by repairing it with healthy skin cells. If you had lost an entire limb due to an accident, however, you would need to regenerate your arm by growing new tissue and nerves in order for your arm to function properly again. So what does this mean for aging skin? While we may not be able to stop aging altogether, we can help the process along by repairing damage and regenerating old cells. One way to do this is by using chemical peels on our face which use exfoliating acids to dissolve dead surface cells while promoting natural cell turnover. Chemical peels not only improve the look of fine lines and wrinkles but also help fight acne breakouts, sun spots, dullness, hyperpigmentation, redness, clogged pores and uneven texture. A chemical peel helps remove age spots and freckles too!

How Long Do Results Last?
The skin is constantly regenerating itself, which is why cuts and scrapes heal relatively quickly. However, the results of cosmetic procedures like microdermabrasion are not permanent. The new, regenerated skin cells will eventually be replaced by older cells. However, you can prolong the results of microdermabrasion by avoiding sun exposure and using sunscreen religiously. You should also moisturize your skin regularly with a good quality cream or lotion. These practices will help maintain a healthy glow that lasts for a few weeks after treatment without over-exposing your skin to damaging UV rays from the sun. Additionally, if you get regular chemical peels treatments at home or in the salon, it’s important to use sunblock afterward so as not to undo all of your hard work.

If this procedure isn’t for me, what are my other options?
Though there are a variety of options for addressing skin concerns, not all are created equal. In general, you can either opt for topical treatments, like creams or serums, or more invasive procedures, like lasers or fillers. Of course, there are also a number of natural methods you can try as well. But what sets cellular repair and regeneration apart from other treatments is its ability to stimulate the skin’s own healing process.

Unlike with topicals or lasers, where many of the benefits stem from the ingredients in the product or laser light hitting your skin respectively, cellular repair and regeneration doesn’t need any outside intervention to work its magic – just your cells! As such, it’s perfect for anyone who has sensitivities to certain ingredients in skincare products or who wants an alternative to resurfacing procedures.

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