7 Common Causes Of White Hair (And How To Prevent Them Naturally)


White hair isn’t something to be proud of — it’s a sign that your hair and scalp aren’t healthy. While there are many possible causes of white hair, the most common ones are those that affect the body as a whole, like hormonal imbalances, poor diet and stress. Luckily, you can prevent white hair by addressing these underlying issues that cause it, and by adding some powerful nutrients to your diet that will help strengthen your hair and reduce premature graying. Let’s look at 7 common causes of white hair and how to prevent them naturally!

1) The sun
The sun is one of the most common causes of white hair. The UV rays can damage the melanin in your hair, causing it to lose its color. You can prevent this by wearing a hat or using a natural sunscreen. There are also natural remedies that can help reverse the damage and restore your hair’s color. One such remedy is watermelon! Watermelon contains vitamin C which helps protect against damage from the sun. Eating a daily serving of watermelon will naturally provide you with enough vitamin C to keep your hair healthy and colorful!
It is important to wear a hat when you’re out in the sun and drink plenty of fluids as well. Drink more water than usual because not only does it keep your skin looking young, but it also protects your hair from getting dry and brittle – leading to even more breakage.

2) Age
As we age, our hair follicles produce less and less melanin, the pigment that gives hair its color. So it’s not surprising that white hair is a common sign of aging. But there are other factors that can lead to premature graying, including lifestyle choices, health conditions, genes and more.
As an example, smoking cigarettes or using drugs such as cocaine decreases blood flow to the scalp which reduces oxygen levels in the hair follicle and causes lower levels of hemoglobin in the blood. The lowered oxygen levels cause high levels of nitric oxide synthase which breaks down nitric oxide resulting in poor circulation on top of already low oxygen levels for cells in general within those areas.
Studies have also shown a correlation between people who smoke and those who suffer from alopecia areata–an autoimmune disease characterized by sudden loss of all body hair with unknown cause–but this has yet to be verified scientifically so far.

3) Diet
A lack of certain nutrients in your diet can lead to white hair. Make sure you’re getting enough vitamins B12, C, and D, as well as iron and copper. You can find these nutrients in foods like salmon, eggs, leafy greens, fortified cereals, and oysters. In addition to eating a healthy diet, you should also avoid crash dieting or yo-yo dieting, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies that can cause white hair. If you want to stop the progression of white hair, don’t dye it. Some people find that once they stop dyeing their hair and use natural oils on it, their scalp will produce its own pigment again over time. Others prefer to embrace the gray and rock it out with confidence.

4) Hormones
Hormones play a big role in our hair health, and can be one of the main causes of white hair. When our hormones are imbalanced, it can cause our hair to fall out, or turn white. There are a few things you can do to prevent this: eat a balanced diet, avoid stress, and get regular exercise. If your hair is already white, hormone therapy may help stop new hairs from turning grey. If you’re experiencing rapid hair loss, contact your doctor as soon as possible.

5) Medications
One of the most common causes of white hair is medications. Certain medications can cause your hair to lose its pigment, and this is usually temporary. If you’re on medication and notice your hair turning white, talk to your doctor about changing your dosage or switching to a different medication. Many prescription drugs contain powerful ingredients that could damage hair follicles in addition to lightening it.

6) Environment
One of the most common causes of white hair is environmental damage. The sun, wind, and pollution can all take a toll on your hair, making it more likely to develop white patches. There are a few things you can do to protect your hair from environmental damage, though. First, try to avoid exposure to the sun and wind as much as possible. Second, use a good quality shampoo and conditioner to keep your hair healthy. Finally, consider using a protective product like a leave-in conditioner or serum. These will help seal in moisture and prevent your hair from drying out too quickly.

7) Poor circulation
Poor circulation is one of the most common causes of white hair. When the blood flow to your scalp is reduced, it can cause your hair to lose its color. There are several things you can do to improve circulation, including: getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, and massaging your scalp. You should also avoid smoking and drinking alcohol because they reduce circulation.
Another thing that may be causing poor circulation is stress. Stress increases your heart rate which slows down the delivery of oxygen-rich blood to other parts of your body, including your scalp. You may want to try relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation if you’re struggling with stress-related hair loss. If you’re taking any medications for other conditions, talk to your doctor about whether there’s an alternative medication that won’t impact your hair color.

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