What Is Baby Heat Rash? Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment


Baby heat rash can be a bit of an alarming condition to see on your child, but it’s actually quite common. However, the good news is that it’s highly treatable and preventable if you know what causes it and how to keep your baby from getting it in the first place. If you think your baby might have baby heat rash, check out this list of symptoms and treatments you should try now to relieve her symptoms and get her back to feeling healthy and happy in no time!

Baby Heat Rash: What is it
A baby heat rash is a red or pink rash that can appear on a baby’s face, chest, and body. The rash is made up of tiny bumps that may be itchy or uncomfortable. It is also known as prickly heat because the rash resembles bug bites.
Mild cases are treated with lotions or creams to help relieve discomfort, but in more severe cases the doctor may prescribe medication. Keeping your baby cool helps prevent baby heat rash from occurring by reducing their fever and hot flashes which causes discomfort. Clothing that allows air to circulate should also be worn so their skin has some relief from being so warm.

The causes of baby heat rash
When the weather is hot and humid, the sweat glands in your baby’s skin can become blocked. This can happen when your baby’s skin is covered with clothes or if they have a skin condition like eczema. When the sweat glands are blocked, sweat can’t escape and builds up under the skin. This can cause irritation and inflammation, leading to heat rash. In some cases, bacteria can also grow in the area and cause an infection.

Signs of baby heat rash
A baby heat rash looks like tiny red bumps on the skin. It can appear on the face, neck, chest, and in folds of skin. The rash is usually not itchy or painful, but it can be uncomfortable for your baby. If the rash gets worse, it can cause fever, chills, and dehydration. Be sure to call your doctor if you see any signs of these symptoms. If the rash isn’t bothering your baby too much, try to keep him or her cool by running a fan over them and giving them ice packs to help with swelling. You should also give them lots of fluids so they don’t get dehydrated.



Ways to prevent heat rash in babies
1. Keep your baby cool and dry. This is the most important thing you can do to prevent heat rash. Dress your baby in light clothing and avoid letting them get too hot.
2. Avoid using lotions or oils on your baby’s skin. These can trap the heat and make the rash worse.
3. Give your baby a cool bath. This can help soothe their skin and relieve the itchiness of the rash.
4. Apply a cool, damp cloth to the affected area. This will help reduce swelling and inflammation.
5. Use a mild, unscented soap when bathing your baby. Harsh chemicals can irritate their skin and make the rash worse.

Natural Treatments for baby heat rash
There are a few simple and natural treatments you can try at home to soothe your baby’s heat rash. Try these remedies
Aloe Vera: The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera make it an excellent choice for calming inflamed skin. To use this natural remedy, break off the leafy end of the plant, then remove the spiky hairs from the rest of the leaf with a sharp knife or razor blade. Cut it into pieces and juice out its gel by hand (or in a blender). Apply the gel onto your baby’s skin using cotton pads or washcloth until completely absorbed.
Oatmeal bath: Fill up your tub with warm water and pour in oatmeal – either store bought packets or rolled oats soaked in water overnight – until you have enough to cover your little one up past their chest level. Stir the mixture gently before adding any more ingredients. Let your child soak in the bath for about 10 minutes before turning off the water and helping them out of the tub. Pat them dry and allow them to get dressed if they want to before letting them return to bed.
Cold sponge: Run a bath for your baby but don’t let them get in yet. Instead, take a clean and wet washcloth and dip it into some ice water before gently wiping it across their tummy. You may need to repeat several times depending on how irritated their skin is.

Coconut oil: Rub coconut oil all over their body once a day. It has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that will help to fight infection and heal existing rashes.



Prevention tips for mother’s who breastfeed
If you are breastfeeding and your baby has heat rash, there are a few things you can do to try to prevent it.
First, make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids and staying hydrated. This will help keep your milk supply up and will also keep your skin from getting too dry.
Second, try to avoid overheating yourself or your baby. Keep the room temperature cool and dress in light, loose clothing.
Third, avoid using lotions or oils on your skin before nursing. These can block pores and trap sweat on the skin.
Fourth, after nursing, let your breasts air dry or pat them lightly with a clean towel.
Fifth, avoid tight clothing or anything that rubs against the skin.
Sixth, try to keep the affected area clean and dry. Bathe your baby daily, and change his clothes as soon as possible if he is wet or soiled.
Seventh, don’t scratch the itch – this can lead to further irritation.
Eighth, see a doctor if the symptoms don’t improve or worsen. There may be an underlying infection that needs treatment with antibiotics.

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